Boot Camp - Kenn I. Hicks,
Batterers Boot Camp

Rehabilitation Through Realization of the Victim's Devastation

BOOT CAMP FOR BATTERERS/ABUSERS OF DOMESTIC VIOLENCE - Kenn I. Hicks has developed a modified and shortened military style Boot Camp for batterers and abusers of domestic violence. The batterers/abusers will experience a week of rigorous challenge consisting of an unrelenting full-day schedule of intense programming and critically important aftercare.

The Boot Camp program will cover the following topics:
  • Non-Violent & Non-Abusive Methods & Strategies
  • Anger Management
  • Drug/Alcohol Counseling
  • Parenting Classes
  • Individual and Group Therapy
  • ... and more

Seeking staff and funding for the next Boot Camp session.

Read newspaper article featuring Boot Camp program - click here.

For a sample program packet - click here.

Contact us for more information.

Kenn I. Hicks, Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Certified Domestic Violence Counselor, 818.788.8667